A.d'A.H _Atelier d'Architecture Han
"Draws a 'big picture' that pursues creative and captivating design ranging
from entire city master plans to small urban facility projects.
With richly diverse global portfolios, the co-founders lead to the solution
that enriches our society and shapes the future."
& Partners
"As designers, not only do we have the responsibility to make optimal and attractive places,
but also we feel the need to make them sustainable and effective.
We will handle our resources efficiently and be innovative in our design solutions."
Kwang Hoon, HAN
Architecte D.P.L.G_프랑스 건축사
M.Arch : Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris La Villette,
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris Val de marne, France /
M.Arch : Inha University, Korea
동국대학교, 외래교수 / 조선대학교, 초빙교수 /
A.d'A.H, Korea / O.H.L+Architects Co.Ltd., Korea /
무영종합건축사무소, Korea / 향도시건축사사무소, Korea /
HELLIN-SEBBAG Architects, France /
EQUIPAGE Architecture Inc., France /
PATRICK HORWITZ Architects, France /
Glauser, SAS Marc Meunier, France
KIRA_대한민국 건축사
Soongsil University, Korea
A.d'A.H, Korea /
주)무영디자인스튜디오, Korea /
희림종합건축사사무소, Korea /
무영종합건축사무소, Korea
Ambassdes de France / Bangkok / PERRIN
Amc / Facades Filtres / September 2002
Forets magazine / Du bois dans le beton / N_10L'a / Costruzioni Buildings / XLVIII
l'ARCA INTERNATIONAL / Passe et Present en Alsace / June 1997
LE MONITEUR / Restauration et Innovation au Pay du verre / February 2005
LE MONITEUR / Un nouvel ecrin pour Les longues Allees / June 2005
LE MONITEUR / La Forteresse du Lichtenberg entre rupture et continuite / July 2004
SEQUENCES BOIS / Techniques d’insertion dans les structures existantes / April 2001
Architecture & Design Competition / Multifunctional Administrative Center 1-5 Living Area Community Center l vol_74
Le courrier de l’architecte / Une architecture policee par Hellin-Sebbag / N_76